MenOlogues Bros 2017

Sanjay Mehta
Sanjay Mehta grew up in Ohio, and slowly migrated west, eventually making his way to San Diego where he found sunshine, and a beautiful wife. He is now the proud father of a 6 year old daughter who loves to cook, and 7 year old son who loves soccer and Pokemon.
Sanjay remains committed to all Cleveland sports teams, and is working hard to make sure his children are too. He also enjoys running, cycling, basketball, and the outdoors… which was significantly hampered by the Cleveland weather he grew up with.
He is currently a professor of infectious diseases at the University of California San Diego, where he studies HIV and parasitic infections. He has worked across the world in Mexico, India, Romania, and frequently in Brazil. After several trips and numerous classes, his Portuguese became passable, but not so much for his Samba.

Susheel Dhania
Originally from India, Susheel was raised in a family with great consciousness for social causes and justice. He came to the U.S. in 1974 for college in Ceramic Engineering degree. He has worked in the fields of engineering, quality assurance, business development and marketing over 39 years. He has traveled extensively across this great nation, has a passion for landscape and wild animal photography.
He has recently retired to pursue this interest in photography, and hiking around the world. He hopes to make a difference in community by helping non profit organizations! He loves to exercise daily, and enjoys biking around San Diego. He likes to play bridge and chess.
His 3 grandchildren and soon to be 5, keep him young!

Deven Parikar
Deven Parlikar was born and raised in India, settled in San Diego after college and lives with his wife, Medha, three children, Mallika, Meera and
Eshaan, and two furry children, Beni and Hana.
Although a chef by early training and profession, Deven made a career switch has worked with Native American and Alaska Native health systems to provide high quality affordable healthcare. His professional career allowed him the opportunity to live and work in Southern California, New Mexico, Arizona’s Apache country and northwestern Alaska including the Arctic Circle. He is actively involved in social justice programs, health parity and access to health issues for vulnerable populations. He strongly believes that affordable quality healthcare is a human right for all and not a privilege for a few, and plans to dedicate his life’s work to furthering that cause!
In his spare time, Deven loves to travel, write and dabbles in singing and music.
His biggest source of pride and joy are his children, whom he treasures above all.
“To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to leave the world a better place, to know that even one life breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson